
Call for Papers for the summer conference.

This is also up on the website: https://connect.apsanet.org/asia/2022-asia-pacific-conference/.

We appreciate your support in sharing this widely among your colleagues and with relevant scholarly networks.

【代公告】財團法人中流文教基金會 2022 年胡佛院士博碩士論文獎獎助辦法

為緬懷胡佛院士長期培養臺灣青年政治學者,並帶動臺灣 「比較政治」及「中國大陸研究」之風氣,財團法人中流文教基金會設置「胡佛院士博碩士論文獎選拔」,每年錄取獎勵「比較政治」及「中國大陸研究」優秀博碩士論文,詳情請見附件。

  • 獎助對象:
  1. 研究主題與「比較政治」或「中國研究」相關之博碩士論文。
  2. 於2021年8月1日至2022年7月31日通過口試之論文。
  3. 文內容需以中文撰寫(申請者須為本國籍,或在臺就讀相關研究所之非本國籍者人士)。
  • 獎助方式:研究主題與「比較政治」相關論文獎至多兩名,每名獎金新台幣二 萬元;研究主題與「中國大陸研究」相關論文獎至多兩名,每名獎金新台幣二萬元;財團法人中流文教基金會「2022 年胡佛院士博碩士論文獎」至多四名,並提供中、英文之得獎獎狀。
  • 申請資料繳交
    1. 財團法人中流文教基金會 2022 年度「胡佛院士博碩士論文獎」申請表(申請表格如附或洽主辦單位索取)乙份。
    2. 經各校審查通過之博碩士論文一式二份。
    3. 博碩士論文電子檔一份(光碟片或寄送電子檔至 current.foundation@gmail.com),主旨請註明「申請 2022 年 胡佛院士博碩士論文獎―姓名」。
    4. 請於 2022 年 8 月 31 日前(以郵戳為憑)掛號郵寄至台北市成功郵局第 44 之 252 號信箱「財團法人中流文教基金會」 收。

【代公告】IPSA 針對烏克蘭局勢發表聲明

Dear colleague,
The International Political Science Association (IPSA) joins with our colleagues across the world in expressing deep concerns for the unjustified and illegal military incursion into Ukraine by the Putin regime. We are greatly alarmed by the grave humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, by the attacks on democracy and its core values such as human rights, the principle of sovereignty and peaceful cohabitation amongst the peoples of the world.
IPSA’s mission is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world by building academic networks linking East and West, North and South, and by creating an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. IPSA supports the principles of peace and collaboration within and between states. Therefore, we urge the Putin regime to stop all violent action and pursue efforts of finding a diplomatic solution.
We stand with the political science communities in all nations and will collaborate with partner organizations to assist colleagues affected by the situation.