本會「政治學報」列名2015 年 TSSCI 收錄期刊名單
今(2015)年9月24日科技部開會決定,10月15日公告今年TSSCI收錄名單,本會「政治學報」仍列名其中。敬請參考附件2015 年 TSSCI 收錄期刊名單。
附件下載:2015 年 TSSCI 收錄期刊名單
今(2015)年9月24日科技部開會決定,10月15日公告今年TSSCI收錄名單,本會「政治學報」仍列名其中。敬請參考附件2015 年 TSSCI 收錄期刊名單。
附件下載:2015 年 TSSCI 收錄期刊名單
Diversities and Developments: Social, Political and Economic Conflicts between the Western and Eastern Civilizations
The 2015 Annual Meeting and Conference for Chinese Association of Political Science will be held at Taipei, Taiwan, from October 3-4 at Da-Xia Building of Chinese Culture University (No.231, Sec. 2, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10659). We highly encourage people of various nations to participate in our annual meeting. Please check our official website (http://capstaipei.org.tw) for more information. Panels for the conference are as follows:
Panels (temp):
Regional Economic Alliance and Political Changes
Democratic Governance in the Conflicts between the Eastern and Western Civilizations
Social Movements in the Conflicts between the Eastern and Western Civilizations
Economic Changes in the Conflicts between the Eastern and Western Civilizations
Political Innovation in the Conflicts between the Eastern and Western Civilizations
Democratic Theory and Practice
Party Politics and Election
Globalization and Glocalization
Globalization and Regional Governance
Globalization and Multilateral Governance
Globalization and Economic Developments
Governmental Organization and Reinventing/Reengineering
System of Civil Servants and the Vitalization of Human Resources
Executive Innovation and Governmental Reorganization
Public Private Partnerships and Citizen Participation
Immigrant Policies and National Developments
Ethnic Policies and Multiculturalism
Social Capital and Social Practice
Civil Society and Cultural Changes
Multilateral Values and National Transitions
Cultural Conflicts and National Developments
Corporate Social Responsibility and Democratic Governance
Social Enterprise and Democratic Governance
Non-Profit Organization and Democratic Governance
Transnational Enterprise and Cultural Shock
International Political and Economic Changes
International Relations and Cultural Conflicts
Asia-Pacific Political and Economic Developments
The Cross-Strait Relationship between Mainland China and Taiwan
資格要求:1.大專院校大學部學生。 2.具備電腦技能及文書處理能力。 3.積極進取,有責任感。
主 旨:公告中國政治學會第28屆理、監事選舉種類、投票日期、投票起止時間及地點、受理申請(推薦、自薦)為理、監事候選人之起止日期、時間及地點等事項。
依 據:中國政治學會會章第5條、第6條、第11條、第12條等辦理。
聯絡暨傳真號碼:(02) 2234-9835;e-mail: cpsataiwan@gmail.com。
選舉職務名稱 | 應選名額 | 任期 | |
理事 | 正選15人 | 候補5人 | 2年 |
監事 | 正選5人 | 候補1人 | 2年 |
24th World Congress of Political Science
July 23-28, 2016 | Istanbul, Turkey
Dear colleague and officer of a national political science association,
From July 23rd to 28th 2016, the International Political Science Association will hold its World Congress in Istanbul (Turkey) under the theme “Politics in a World of Inequality”. We therefore invite your members to share their research on issues of redistribution and recognition in all their complexity, and to which political science can bring important insights. It is an opportunity to once again demonstrate the relevance of political science to political practice.
To make this 24th congress a world success, it would be greatly appreciated if you could disseminate the Call for Submission below. Your help, as well as your member’s participation, will surely contribute in making IPSA‘s activities a reference in the field of political science, as well as promoting, in a global perspective, the research of your members.
The Call for Submissions (PDF) for the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 23-28 2015, is now open!
The theme of the 2016 edition is “Politics in a World of Inequality”.
The website for the 24th World Congress of Political Science is now accepting panel proposals (open and closed). Please visit the website http://www.ipsa.org/
*Please note that the Call for Paper submission will open on August 7, 2015. Currently, paper proposals may be submitted to closed panels only, by invitation from the panel convenor.
Anyone can submit a panel proposal or an abstract. Participants do not need to be a member of IPSA. In order to submit an abstract, however, participant must hold an IPSA online account. If you do not currently hold an IPSA account, you will be asked to create one before submitting your panel or paper proposal.
Deadline for OPEN panels: 8 July 2015
Deadline for CLOSED panels: 7 October 2015
Call for papers opens 7 August 2015
Deadline for PAPER submission: 7 October 2015
Please take notice of the Instructions to Submit a Panel (PDF) before submitting your panel or paper proposal.
For more information about the Congress, please visit www.ipsa.org/istanbul2016
For more information about IPSA, please visit our website at www.ipsa.org