【代公告】國際政治學會 IPSA Open Access Publishing Conference 開放報名


Open Access Publishing: A New Era in Scholarly Communication | IPSA

In recent years, the rapidly evolving world of scholarly communication has been subjected to several divisive issues, but none as hotly debated as the transition to Open Access publishing. The International Political Science Association (IPSA) as a scholarly association publishing multiple journals is directly affected by this radical transformation of the classic subscription-based publication model and consequently would like to take part in the discussions on the future of scholarly publishing and the inevitable advent of Open Access. Aiming to contribute toward finding an optimal and sustainable solution, IPSA, in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Concordia University and the American Political Science Association (APSA), will host a two-day conference covering various topics surrounding the transition of scholarly publications to the Open Access format.

This two-day hybrid conference will take place 13-14 September 2022, onsite in Montreal, Canada, as well as virtually.