【代公告】TSEF講座 Daron Acemoglu 教授演講訊息








詳情請見本文附件:Call for Awards 2023


有意願之學術先進歡迎與本會聯繫 E-mail: capstaipei28@gmail.com


The IPSA Call for Awards is now open. As you well know, IPSA confers several awards that are presented at the IPSA World Congresses. These awards bestow professional recognition and prestige on recipients, and also include a cash sum.

I invite you all to send in your nominations before 1 November 2022 for the two awards: Karl Deutsch Award and Prize of the Foundation Mattei Dogan. The nomination procedures have been simplified for 2023 and nominations for the two awards can be made by one of the following ways:

a) by a national association of IPSA;

b) by an IPSA Research Committee (RC);

c) jointly by two or more IPSA members in good standing of at least two different nationalities;

d) by an incumbent IPSA Executive Committee (EC) member;

e) from outside IPSA, by established academic institutions active in political science.

I would also like to bring your attention to the newest award – the IPSA Guillermo O’Donnell Award for Latin-American Scholars. The purpose of the award is to honour a Latin American scholar with residence in the region working on pioneering and innovative research in Political Science. The award targets early career scholars who have completed their Ph.D. within the last seven years, without any age limit. The award is named after Prof. Guillermo O’Donnell, IPSA’s Past President and one of Latin America’s most prominent political scientists. The award will be awarded for the first time at the 2023 World Congress in Buenos Aires.

Applications for the IPSA Guillermo O’Donnell Award for Latin American Scholars, Global South Award and The Stein Rokkan Travel Grant Award must be submitted before 1 March 2023.


【代公告】2022中華傳播學會年會線上講座2022年6月18日(六)「香港該如何說話?還能如何說話?」,6/17(五)中午12:00 截止報名





主持人:戴瑜慧(陽明交通大學傳播與科技學系  副教授)

評論人:黃厚銘(政治大學社會學系  特聘教授)




2022年6月18日(六)下午 1 時 30 分至 3 時 00 分(下午 1 時20分開放進入線上會議室)









2003 年,北京政府企圖在香港基本法上施加 23 條,意圖遂其以國家安全之名進行控制的意圖。而此舉引發 50 萬人上街遊行抗議,亦迫使北京政權暫時撤銷主意。但是此後中港矛盾持續深化,北京政權以各種方式不斷擴張強化對香港民間社會生活的控制,包括推動更多的中國人移民到香港,改變人口結構;中資對香港企業與股市的投注與控制;以及對香港媒體的施壓和攏絡,乃至最終逼使不同北京政權聲音的媒體在壓力、恐懼、財務緊縮下,一一關閉。


歷經 2014 年的雨傘運動和 2019 年的反送中運動,北京政權已經不同 2003年,在習近平政權的領導下,強硬施行國安法。自此,香港民間社會籠罩在監控、舉報、入監、甚至死亡的陰影之下。在此情勢之下,香港主流媒體和新媒體該如何發揮媒體的第四權,如何生產資訊、向社會傳遞訊息,以及建構一個可以討論形塑出公共論述的空間呢 ?  此議題亦為世界所深切關心。訪問學者陳健民教授將向我們分享他的研究與心得。


2014 年的雨傘運動和 2019 年的反送中運動,是前所未有的大規模市民運動,也意味著運動已經深入社會的各個角落,在各個社區落地。承繼上一個討論主題,國安法之後,主流媒體和新媒體可以如何對社會大眾傳遞訊息。第二個主題從市民角度切入。這些已經發展出來的社區報,這些已經具有反思性的香港市民 ,要如何繼續發聲 ? 社區報又正在歷經甚麼樣的挑戰 ? 是否有可能成為新的 Be Water 形式 ? 強風之下,默默地在各個社區土壤休養生息,形成日常生活的政治。



  1. 活動前將以email寄送會議室連結,歡迎踴躍報名。
  2. 本場次將採實名制方式進行,會議連結將另外寄送給報名者,再請詳實填答名稱與信箱,當日登入時請使用本名登入



第十三屆中華傳播學會  姚其宏  秘書




地點為阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯的阿根廷天主教大學(Universidad Católica Argentina, UCA)

會議主題為“Politics in the Age of Transboundary Crises: Vulnerability and Resilience”


詳細日程、費用與會議資訊等請見官網:Latest News | IPSA WC2023

【代公告】國際政治學會 IPSA Open Access Publishing Conference 開放報名


Open Access Publishing: A New Era in Scholarly Communication | IPSA

In recent years, the rapidly evolving world of scholarly communication has been subjected to several divisive issues, but none as hotly debated as the transition to Open Access publishing. The International Political Science Association (IPSA) as a scholarly association publishing multiple journals is directly affected by this radical transformation of the classic subscription-based publication model and consequently would like to take part in the discussions on the future of scholarly publishing and the inevitable advent of Open Access. Aiming to contribute toward finding an optimal and sustainable solution, IPSA, in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Concordia University and the American Political Science Association (APSA), will host a two-day conference covering various topics surrounding the transition of scholarly publications to the Open Access format.

This two-day hybrid conference will take place 13-14 September 2022, onsite in Montreal, Canada, as well as virtually.


Call for Papers for the summer conference.

This is also up on the website: https://connect.apsanet.org/asia/2022-asia-pacific-conference/.

We appreciate your support in sharing this widely among your colleagues and with relevant scholarly networks.

【代公告】財團法人中流文教基金會 2022 年胡佛院士博碩士論文獎獎助辦法

為緬懷胡佛院士長期培養臺灣青年政治學者,並帶動臺灣 「比較政治」及「中國大陸研究」之風氣,財團法人中流文教基金會設置「胡佛院士博碩士論文獎選拔」,每年錄取獎勵「比較政治」及「中國大陸研究」優秀博碩士論文,詳情請見附件。

  • 獎助對象:
  1. 研究主題與「比較政治」或「中國研究」相關之博碩士論文。
  2. 於2021年8月1日至2022年7月31日通過口試之論文。
  3. 文內容需以中文撰寫(申請者須為本國籍,或在臺就讀相關研究所之非本國籍者人士)。
  • 獎助方式:研究主題與「比較政治」相關論文獎至多兩名,每名獎金新台幣二 萬元;研究主題與「中國大陸研究」相關論文獎至多兩名,每名獎金新台幣二萬元;財團法人中流文教基金會「2022 年胡佛院士博碩士論文獎」至多四名,並提供中、英文之得獎獎狀。
  • 申請資料繳交
    1. 財團法人中流文教基金會 2022 年度「胡佛院士博碩士論文獎」申請表(申請表格如附或洽主辦單位索取)乙份。
    2. 經各校審查通過之博碩士論文一式二份。
    3. 博碩士論文電子檔一份(光碟片或寄送電子檔至 current.foundation@gmail.com),主旨請註明「申請 2022 年 胡佛院士博碩士論文獎―姓名」。
    4. 請於 2022 年 8 月 31 日前(以郵戳為憑)掛號郵寄至台北市成功郵局第 44 之 252 號信箱「財團法人中流文教基金會」 收。

【代公告】IPSA 針對烏克蘭局勢發表聲明

Dear colleague,
The International Political Science Association (IPSA) joins with our colleagues across the world in expressing deep concerns for the unjustified and illegal military incursion into Ukraine by the Putin regime. We are greatly alarmed by the grave humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, by the attacks on democracy and its core values such as human rights, the principle of sovereignty and peaceful cohabitation amongst the peoples of the world.
IPSA’s mission is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world by building academic networks linking East and West, North and South, and by creating an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. IPSA supports the principles of peace and collaboration within and between states. Therefore, we urge the Putin regime to stop all violent action and pursue efforts of finding a diplomatic solution.
We stand with the political science communities in all nations and will collaborate with partner organizations to assist colleagues affected by the situation.



「2021年度最佳論文獎」由國立政治大學楊婉瑩教授〈不只是茶壺裡的風暴? 初選分歧的大選效應〉榮獲。














1. 會議介紹

制度如何影響政府的治理表現?2020 年新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,不僅構成各
表現良竄的論戰。國立政治大學國際關係研究中心 歡迎學者從制度比較的
視野,討論民主與威權 政體對各國在處理 公共衛生、人權、糧食、環境保

2. 會議資訊

(1) 會議時間:2021 年 10 月 22 日。
(2) 會議地點:國立政治大學國際關係研究中心。
(3) 主辦單位:國立政治大學國際關係研究中心。
(4) 重要時程:

a. 投稿摘要繳交日期:2021 年 4 月 20 日前。
b. 論文入選公告日期:2021 年 5 月 3 日。
c. 論文全文繳交日期:2021 年 10 月 12 日前。

3. 投稿須知
(1) 本次研討會採取邀請投稿與公告徵稿兩種方式同時進行。主辦單位將依相
(2) 作者須同意主辦單位有在中心學術期刊出版研討會論文的優先權。稿件依
正常之期刊匿名審查通過後,刊登於《問題與研究》(TSSCI 第一級)。本
(3) 有意發表論文者請於 2021 年 4 月 20 日前將論文題目、論文中文摘要 500
字以電子郵件寄送至 cyhung@nccu.edu.tw信箱。摘要需涵蓋:研究問題、
(4) 論文全文以中文 15000-20000 字為原則,論文體例請依下列網址之規定撰

4. 聯絡資訊:請以電子郵件 cyhung@nccu.edu.tw與姜小姐聯繫。